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5 facts about the clitoris

Clitoris, clitoris, pleasure pearl - it's not something we talk about very often, is it? But there's a lot to say about this pleasure-giving area of ​​the body. For example, have you ever wondered how big the clitoris actually is and where exactly it is located? At Taynie, we assume that there is still some uncertainty about the actual size of the clitoris. But size isn't everything: did you know that there are certain similarities between the penis and the clitoris? We'll also shed light on the "dark side" by talking about what it can mean when your clitoris hurts. Last but not least, we'll tell you about the indescribable number of nerve endings and their function.

So let's get started with our 5 facts about the clitoris

1. Clitoris Fact: Impressive size

Let's start by talking about where the clitoris is. For many it is a mystery, but others know about it (but probably only the part that is visible from the outside). The clitoris is much more than the small pearl that is located in the upper part of the inner labia. Below the clitoral pearl, about 2 cm below it, is the opening of the urethra. Below the urethral opening is the entrance to the vagina. Many people only associate the clitoris with the glans, which is closely connected to sexual stimulation. But the clitoris continues much deeper. The shaft the clitoris has two legs , which is a anchoring in the so-called pubic symphysis. There are also two erectile bodies located under the labia.

And how big is the clitoris? This can vary from person to person. On average, however, the outer part of a fully grown clitoris is about 1.5 cm long. 2.5cm and has a width of 1 cm. But that's not all. As you already know, the clitoris consists not only of its outer pearl or pea-like part, but also of an inner area that has an impressive length of up to 9cm can own. 

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2. Clitoris Fact: Similarity to the penis

Clitoris and penis - that sounds like two completely different sexual organs, doesn't it? We want to show you that there are more similarities between the clitoris and the penis than you would initially suspect.

You may have already come across the term “clitoral glans” You probably associate the term “glans” with the penis and not the clitoris, but in fact these two pleasure-bringers are very similar. Like the penis, the clitoris has a foreskin, but this covers the clitoris without arousal and stimulation. In fact, penis and clitoris also have in common that both organs have the same basic structures and the same evolutionary origin. Did you know that not only the penis, but also the clitoris is a Corpora cavernosa is? The erectile organs penis and clitoris both become stiff and hard when sexually stimulated. The labia also swell when stimulated. 

3. Clitoris Fact: When the clitoris hurts

Be careful: There are actually medical reasons why your clitoris or labia may appear larger than they normally are. For example, allergic reactions can cause an increase in size. Infections or overstimulation due to too much stimulation can also be the culprit. If the clitoris is very noticeable in size and almost resembles a penis, then this could be a case of Clitoral hypertrophy (phew, yes, very complicated term) and can occur, for example, due to PCOS.

A sore clitoris or irritated labia and vagina can also occur due to incorrect care products in the genital area. It is important that you only wash this sensitive area with lukewarm water and avoid scented soaps if possible. You can find out more about intimate care with water here .

Not only incorrect intimate hygiene can cause irritation, but also lubricants, fabric softeners or latex condoms. If you notice an allergic reaction after using a new product, for example, then this could be the cause of the irritation. At this point, you should avoid this product for the sake of your vagina.

Have you ever heard of so-called genital herpes? The herpes blisters can appear not only on the labia and the vagina, but also on the clitoris.

Does the term mean Clitoral adhesion something? This term is probably not on everyone's lips, but it can also be the cause of clitoral pain. Behind this admittedly complicated term is the fact that the clitoral hood sticks to the glans and vaginal fluid and sweat, for example, collect around the clitoris. The resulting hardening, but also the adhesion that has already occurred, causes pain for those affected. A visit to your doctor is advisable in this case. 

4. Clitoris Fact: Endless nerves

There is no doubt that the clitoris or clitoris is known as the sexual “pleasure organ” par excellence. But did you know that the clitoris is equipped with numerous blood vessels and nerve strands? 8,000 nerve endings are located on the glans of the clitoris. For comparison: That is twice as many nerve endings as in the penis! The clitoris is therefore a real source of sexual pleasure and arousal.

To show you once again how impressive it is that the clitoris has so many nerve endings, we have an exciting comparison for you. The relatively small surface of the clitoris has an extremely large number of nerve fibers; the glans of the clitoris alone has an incredible 8,000 nerve endings, while the entire palm of a human hand has 18,000 nerve fibers. Pretty amazing, isn't it?

Speaking of sexual desire and arousal: you've probably heard that a distinction is made between clitoral and vaginal orgasms. But did you know that it is now assumed that the clitoris is actually stimulated from the inside during the so-called "vaginal" orgasm? When the clitoris becomes aroused and thus erect, the erectile tissue extends in the direction of the entrance to the vagina. This allows contact to be made with the penis.Thus, a “vaginal” orgasm actually seems to be a clitoral orgasm as well. 

5. Clitoris fact: NOT just for fun

Yes, you understood correctly. The clitoris is not only an area of ​​pleasure and stimulation, but also has another important function for the Reproduction In fact, during orgasm the clitoris sends signals to the brain that lead to various important things in terms of reproduction. For example, vaginal blood flow is increased, lubrication is increased and the cervix changes position so that sperm can ultimately reach the egg more easily. So you can see that the clitoris fulfills the function of sexual pleasure, but it also creates favorable conditions for conception. 

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