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Stress ist ein weit verbreitetes Phänomen, das zahlreiche Aspekte unseres Lebens beeinflussen kann – den Menstruationszyklus eingeschlossen. Viele Menstruierende bemerken, dass sich ihre Periode in stressigen Phasen verändert, sei es durch Verzögerungen, verstärkte Symptome oder gar das Ausbleiben der Menstruation. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir die Zusammenhänge zwischen Stress und der Periode genauer untersuchen und dir hilfreiche Tipps und Lösungen bieten, wie du deinem Körper in stressigen Zeiten optimal beistehen kannst.
Die Periodengrippe beschreibt grippeähnliche Symptome, die viele Menstruierende kurz vor oder während ihrer Periode erleben. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um eine ansteckende Erkrankung, sondern um körperliche Beschwerden, die durch hormonelle Veränderungen im Zyklus ausgelöst werden. In diesem Beitrag erfährst du, was die Periodengrippe genau bedeutet, warum sie auftritt und welche Maßnahmen dir helfen können, diese Phase besser zu überstehen.
Adenomyosis - a disease that many people may not even know about. It is a disease that affects one in 10 women*. Its clinical picture has strong parallels to endometriosis, which many people may be more familiar with. In today's blog post, you can find out all about adenomyosis - from the symptoms to the different types and treatment options. We also explain how adenomyosis can be distinguished from endometriosis.
When hormones are in control, it can sometimes feel like the body is going crazy. As the entire menstrual cycle is characterized by different changes in hormones, the effects of this can be felt in different ways. These can often get on your last nerve. Menstruating people, for example, find PMS particularly unpopular. Did you know that it can be quite useful if you have your menstrual cycle figured out? Not only for pregnancy planning, but also for a promising workout or to be prepared when the next period starts.
When people talk about period problems, we usually think of the classics such as abdominal pain and abdominal cramps. But the list is actually much longer. However, many period problems are simply not addressed - sure, we understand that talking about indigestion and a bloated belly can be a little uncomfortable. But these symptoms are unfortunately a monthly accompaniment for many menstruating women. Wouldn't it be much easier if we could talk about these unpleasant period problems? After all, those affected would no longer feel so alone with their symptoms and could talk to other people about them. We at Taynie are starting to do just that and want to put the spotlight on period problems that are often kept quiet.
Vagina and vagina are well-known terms in our common language repertoire. But when we add the word "vulva" to the mix, confusion can quickly arise. People often reach their linguistic limits when it comes to the meaning of vulva and vagina. The classic case here is the synonymous use of both terms or the interchanging of both definitions. Once it is clear what is behind the word vulva, it quickly becomes clear that the term is also associated with uniqueness. Every person is different and so are their vulvas. Unfortunately, our society's "beauty mania" does not stop at the intimate area (keyword "vulva shaming") - plastic surgery is rubbing its hands in glee, while people are plagued by major insecurities. It's time to embrace our vulvas, because the motto is: every vulva is unique! *When we talk about the female genitalia in this text, we are referring to the vulva and vagina.
Menopause, heavy bleeding, birth, miscarriage or abortion - what commonality could these circumstances have? The keyword here is "scraping", or in technical jargon also known as abrasio, which can be used due to various gynecological causes. In any case, this procedure is practical for the discovery and cure of various diagnoses. But such an operation never appears without a concentrated load of various questions. For example, those affected are concerned with when they can expect their first period after a scraping. So let's take a look at what you should know about a scraping and especially the period afterwards.
Is a painful lump forming under your skin and causing you problems in everyday life? Then you may be dealing with a boil. These unpleasant and often painful skin inflammations can not only cause physical discomfort, but can also affect your self-confidence. Especially when they occur in the genital area, people tend to keep quiet about them. What many people don't know: Boils occur frequently and many people have to deal with them at least once in their lifetime. We think it's time to talk openly about this topic. In today's blog post, you can find out everything you need to know about boils - from the causes and symptoms to treatment options.
75 percent of all people with a vagina will come into contact with it at least once in their life. What are we talking about here? The answer is vaginal thrush and although this phenomenon is known to most people, it is unfortunately still a topic fraught with shame. However, the large number of people affected already reveals that it is sometimes not so easy to avoid this malevolent resident. There are a whole range of things that can promote the proliferation of fungal infections. What are they? What does the therapy or treatment look like? Are there any myths surrounding the topic? It's time to speak plainly about it.
When it comes to menstruation, many people like to throw around wild facts. Some of these facts can drive menstruators quite crazy. Understandable, in our opinion, because behind many menstrual myths there is anything but the truth, but rather the keyword period shaming. Unfortunately, we are still in a society in which there is stigma and little knowledge about periods, which leads to all sorts of menstrual myths being spread. We think it's time to expose false myths and take a closer look at known facts. Be sure to stick around until the end, because there are actually menstrual myths that can be true.
Your period is here, you feel bloated and you can hardly recognize yourself in the mirror? No reason to worry, because many menstruators struggle with this symptom during, but also shortly before, their period. This is usually due to hormonal water retention - and this is not uncommon. They can often lead to motivation reaching zero and you no longer feeling completely comfortable in your own skin. In today's blog post we will explain to you what water retention is all about, how you can get rid of it quickly and how you can prevent it in the future.
Constant burning and itching in the intimate area, painful sex or even bleeding? Vaginal dryness could be the trigger here. Often known as a symptom of menopause, it does not stop at young people either. What is particularly treacherous about vaginal dryness is not only the unpleasant symptoms, but also the fact that it is a shameful topic in our society. That's why people often prefer to keep quiet about it. However, we at Taynie ask ourselves: “Why?” After all, there are many people who can sing a whole song about this topic. With our new blog post about the causes, symptoms and treatment of vaginal dryness, we would like to give the topic more attention and encourage those affected to break their silence.
