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Influence of diet on the cycle and periods - this is what you should pay attention to

The frequent trips to the fridge, constant appetite, desire for food – do you know that? During our period we not only seem indecisive, but also struggle with food cravings, water retention and skin blemishes. As if that wasn't enough, we would prefer to hide on the sofa with a hot water bottle when we have abdominal pain and feel unwell. What many people don't know: The Nutrition can have a big impact on your cycle and your period - yes, even on the accompanying symptoms. In this blog post, you'll find out what you should pay attention to in terms of nutrition and which foods can be good for you during your period.

Why do I eat so much before or during mydays have?

Do you also know that you can't get enough food before or during your period and it keeps coming over you? These cravings associated with menstruation are not uncommon for many people - and yet they are annoying. Although they make you feel happy in the moment, they are definitely not beneficial for the rest of your period and the symptoms that come with it. Of course, it's not a bad thing to give in to cravings now and then, because during your period you burn up to 300 kcal more per day. 
But why do cravings occur in the first place?

Shortly before your period, your body produces   Magnesium deficiency  , which of course should be covered again quickly - with cravings, as the body thinks. To do this, just before and during the bleeding,   Cortisol  - the so-called "stress hormone" - is released. And what better way to compensate for stress than with a piece of chocolate containing serotonin? The increase in cortisol levels and the additional increase in insulin levels mean that you feel an increased craving for sweets. 

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Prevent & relieve menstrual cramps through a healthy diet

When menstruating women feel their period approaching, they know that it is likely that it will not just be a period.In addition to the above-mentioned food cravings,  Accompanying symptoms  such as abdominal pain, headaches, back pain or general malaise. In fact, 3 out of 4 menstruating women have to deal with problems during their period. So you can see: you are definitely not alone. And the good news is: you can do something about your menstrual problems! A balanced and  healthy eating  helps to get the hormonal complaints under control. Find out now what you should eat during your period, what you should avoid and what specifically helps against certain complaints. 

Menstrual cramps: What should I eat during my period?

Against general menstrual problems: Vitamin B6

A bloated stomach, food cravings, mood swings and exhaustion are certainly familiar to you during your period. Foods that contain vitamin B6 can help here. You can find this especially in pulses, nuts and avocados. Nuts and  By the way, flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate the production of the hormone prostaglandin series 3, which in turn has an antispasmodic effect.

Against cramps and water retention: tea 

Drinking a lot is always a good idea. Herbal teas, especially one or two cups of nettle tea per day, have a dehydrating and soothing effect during your period. If you - like many people - make sure you drink enough water, make it especially important during your period. Water also dehydrates and rids your body of toxins that we ingest with food.

However, you should avoid drinks containing caffeine such as coffee, black tea and cola. Caffeine affects estrogen levels and can therefore trigger PMS-typical symptoms and period pain.

List of foods you should eat during your period:

Peanut butter: It contains proteins, healthy fats and fiber, as well as vitamins that can relieve cramps and reduce inflammation.

Pineapple: The sweet fruits are great companions during your period because they contain copper, manganese and vitamins C, B1 and B6, which not only have an antispasmodic effect but also strengthen your immune system.

Ginger: Effective against pain, cramps, inflammation and discomfort. When consumed as a tea, ginger also has a detoxifying effect.

Bananas: They contain potassium, counteract flatulence and have an antispasmodic effect. 

What should I not eat during my period?

Just as there are foods that can support you during your period, there are also those that may not be good for you during your period. It therefore makes sense to avoid certain foods during your period. These include: Sugar and  alcohol : They make your mind restless, cause skin imperfections and an unpleasant feeling in your stomach. During your period, you should also avoid animal fats. Instead, opt for high-quality vegetable oils such as linseed oil, walnut oil or olive oil. They supply your body with omega-3 or omega-9 fatty acids and ensure a good nutrient balance.You may also feel worse during your period if you eat the following foods, for example:

Fatty meat

Meat can have a negative impact on your hormones. To avoid further hormonal fluctuations during your period, you should eliminate fatty meat from your diet.

Beans and peas

Every bean gives a... Peas and beans can actually cause your stomach to bloat. If you're already prone to bloating during your period, it can get even worse.


Cookies contain a lot of sodium, a mineral that can also be responsible for your bloated stomach.


We all probably like to indulge in some fast food now and then. That's perfectly fine, but it's better not to eat it during your period. Fried foods contain trans fats, which increase your estrogen levels. This can also make your period pains worse.


Are you thinking: A coffee in the morning will drive away your worries and concerns? Outside of your period, maybe, but during or just before your period, caffeine can make you more worried. Caffeine can worsen premenstrual syndrome and thus cause mood swings, headaches or abdominal pain. So it's better to reach for water or tea, which can have an antispasmodic and pain-relieving effect, especially for abdominal pain. Ginger or camomile tea, for example, are real helpers here.

Our tip: If the tea does not manage to relieve your period cramps, try our  Taynie Heat Belt  Thanks to its integrated hot water bottle and Velcro fastener, you can use it for both back and abdominal pain. After all, heat has an antispasmodic effect!

What can you do about binge eating before or during your period?

The craving for sweets can seem overwhelming during your period. The cravings are caused by your magnesium levels, which are lower than usual during PMS. We would therefore recommend that you take somedays before the period more Magnesium-containing foods to eat. You can find magnesium in almonds, cashew and sunflower seeds or oatmeal, for example. And if you get a craving again, keep in mind: Foods like gummy bears, dark chocolate, cake, ice cream and the like are not the foods of choice if you are dealing with 

Tee gegen Krämpfe und Wassereinlagerungen

period pain, bloating, impure skin and discomfort. But we have good news for you: Did you know that dark chocolate during yourdays eating a good idea? The darker the chocolate, the higher its potassium content. potassium relieves cramps and the enjoyment of delicious chocolate could counteract cravings.

Even more tips to get through everyday life with your period:

Stay moving: yoga and other relaxation exercises help to regulate yourself and relieve pain.

Good hygiene products: Use hygiene products that suit your needs and that make you feel comfortable and safe. While some menstruating people are afraid of "leaking", others want to feel free to move.Period underwear from Taynie adapts to all your movements and needs thanks to its flexible and stretchy nature. For a secure fit without leakage and a relaxed period.

Affection and physical closeness: Some menstruating people don't like being touched at all during their period, but others find it particularly beneficial. Talk to your partner if you need affection and physical closeness.

There is hardly a better time during your cycle to start eating healthily. Be aware that although food cravings provide a short-term energy boost, they tend to make menstrual symptoms worse. Stock up on healthy and balanced foods, enjoy some quality time with your hot water bottle and really treat yourself!

Your safe support for a relaxed period with Taynie

With our Taynie period underwear you have lower costs, a huge saving in waste and do not bring your body and the environment into unnecessary contact with harmful substances.

Our Taynie period panties are designed to replace up to 7 regular tampons, depending on the model. If well cared for, Taynies will easily last four years.

Taynie period underwear adapts to all your movements and needs thanks to its flexible and stretchy nature. For a safe wearing feeling without leakage and a relaxed period .

Try it out. 

Deine sichere Unterstützung für eine entspannte Periode mit Taynie

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