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Postpartum period: duration, possible problems and tips

*In the following, the term “mother” refers to all persons who give birth.

The newborn has come into the world and now it is time to get to know each other. The mother-child relationship continues to develop immediately after birth and lots of physical closeness ensures trust and security for the baby.  

Of course, the new mother has to recover after the birth. This is not always easy, because she will notice changes in her body even after the birth. Milk and lochia are just two of the things that occur during the postpartum period. It is not uncommon for Postpartum depression or to Postpartum fever Why this is the case, how long the possible problems last and what you can use during the postpartum period, we will tell you in this blog post.

How long does the postpartum period last and why?

As the name suggests, the postpartum period lasts a few weeks - but how many are there? Basically, it is said that the postpartum period lasts at least  six to eight weeks should last. After the baby has been your body's roommate for several months, your body needs time to recover. After all, it had to look after two people the whole time and that took up a lot of energy. In addition, possible birth injuries or the Caesarean section scar need time to heal properly. 

But not only the physical, but also the psychological aspect plays a major role in the postpartum period. The postpartum period provides the breeding ground for a  strong bond between mother and child , because it is precisely during this time that mother and baby spend day and night together.

It also serves to give the mother and the newborn plenty of time to get used to each other (e.g. when breastfeeding). You are not born into the role of mother - no, it requires  Exercise Be it how to properly change the baby's diaper, breastfeed it or bathe it. These are also things that you can try out and learn at your leisure during the postpartum period. It is therefore recommended that you stick to the postpartum period of up to 8 weeks.

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Lochia: Duration

The fluid that comes out of your vagina after giving birth is an indicator that your body is  Recovery process after birth has begun: birth injuries and the placenta attachment site begin to heal, the uterus shrinks, etc. This wound secretion, which mostly consists of mucus, blood and placentadays tissue, has no place in the body. Therefore, it is excreted through the vagina during the postpartum period. The secretion is called  "lochia" and is also known in technical jargon as  “Lochies” known.

Like many things in life, your body’s healing process takes time. The lochia can  4 to 6 weeks or in rare cases even longer. The intensity and color will change from week to week. Was it a  Birth by Caesarean section , there is usually less lochia and this often lasts for a shorter period of time than with a vaginal birth. Usually after 4 weeks there is no more lochia coming out of the vagina. 

How long does postpartum depression last?

Have you ever heard of  “Baby Blues” For many women, it is not easy to slip into the role of mother after giving birth and to cope with the changes. They then have a fewdays after birth often with strong  Mood swings and  sadness This depressive phase, which affects 75% of mothers, is called “baby blues”. 

It becomes critical when it is not a short phase, but the mother cannot extricate herself from the low mood and remains trapped in it. If the low mood lasts for at least two weeks,  Postpartum depression It differs only slightly from a normal depression. A fundamental difference is that the mothers have enormous Feelings of guilt They find it difficult to care for the newborn and can only react sensitively to the baby. The main person to contact in this case is the midwife. She knows about it and can give helpful tips and reassurance. Without appropriate treatment, postpartum depression often lasts 4 to 6 months or can even become chronic.

What to do if you have postpartum depression?

Often it is not so easy to ask other people for help. But once you have taken the step, you will certainly not regret it. And the sooner you receive support, the sooner you will overcome postpartum depression. As we have already told you, you can especially  Ask your midwife for emotional support and help She is well-versed in the field and can provide you with advice and support. Of course, you can also contact your  Doctor or your doctor They will suggest different treatment options that are tailored to you and your needs. 

Also  Sports and exercise can help you to relieve your depressive moods. Physical activity releases the happiness hormones serotonin, dopamine and endorphins and you will probably feel better after some exercise. We deliberately say "some exercise" because you shouldn't overdo the exercise during the postpartum period. Even a short walk in the fresh air will probably do you a lot of good and make you feel better. 

Postpartum fever: What causes it and how long does it last?

When the baby is born, bacteria have passed through the  dilated cervix easier to penetrate the body and cause an infection. Even via  Birth wounds Bacteria can enter the body and cause postpartum fever. Symptoms include fever, low blood pressure, and nausea.  The so-called puerperal fever can especially  in the first six to eight weeks after birth appear.When it occurs, it is often 24 hours to 10days after delivery .

Give your body enough time after birth and take care of it so that it can fully recover from the birth. Proper care and  good hygiene of the intimate area and birth wounds are also extremely important to prevent puerperal fever from occurring in the first place. In general, puerperal fever today occursdays rarely occurs and there are good treatment methods. If you notice symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. The faster the treatment is carried out, the shorter the course of puerperal fever is usually.

What do I need for the postpartum period?

One thing is clear: In the postpartum period, you primarily need  lots of rest But this is not always easy due to the many changes and adjustments.  Milk and lochia and possible problems can sometimes cause unrest. To make things easier for you during the postpartum period and at least to relieve you of the worry of not being able to absorb the lochia properly, we have a solution for you: Our Period underwear and  washable pads . They lock the liquid in the core and you don't have to worry about leaking. Depending on the model, you can even Wear for 8-10 hours . In the firstdays After giving birth, your lochia will probably be heavier. We therefore recommend our Ultra models. How about, for example, the Taynie Comfort ultra or the Taynie Deluxe ultra ?

Or do you prefer to use a sanitary pad instead of period underwear? Then try the Taynie bandage ultra night The products make your postpartum period much easier. After all, you don't have to insert a product, as this could be painful, especially after the birth. 
Our  Taynie Nursing Pads  protect you from unwanted stains on your top while breastfeeding. In addition, the  Organic cotton also feels super comfortable on your skin. 

Or how about our Taynie Postpartum Box ? It combines the products that you can definitely use during the postpartum period: the Taynie Comfort ultra, the Taynie nursing pads in pink and the Taynie pad ultra night. 
We would also recommend that you stock up on postpartum supplies before your due date to avoid additional stress, whether it be products to absorb postpartum fluid and milk flow or simply food.  
