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Vaginal thrush: prevention, treatment and myths

75 percent of all people with a vagina will come into contact with it at least once in their lives. What are we talking about here? The answer is Vaginal yeast infection and although this phenomenon is known to most people, it is unfortunately still a subject that is associated with shame. However, the large number of people affected already shows that it is sometimes not so easy to avoid this malevolent resident. There is a whole range of things that can promote the proliferation of fungal infections. What are they? What does the therapy or treatment look like? Are there myths surrounding the subject? It is time to speak frankly about it.

How do I know if I have vaginal yeast infection?

When itching, burning and a whitish, crumbly discharge in the genital area become noticeable, alarm bells go off for some people. In fact, this is not without reason, because it can be a bothersome infection with a Yeast fungus If you have ever been surprised by such symptoms, then you have certainly asked yourself how you can tell whether you are really suffering from a vaginal yeast infection. Symptoms such as foul-smelling discharge do not necessarily indicate a vaginal yeast infection. Often, another infection In order to make the big question mark disappear with certainty, it is advisable to clarify the symptoms with your doctor. With the help of a vaginal examination and a smear It can then be checked whether the annoying itching is caused by a vaginal yeast infection or something else, such as skin irritation. For quick clarity and appropriate treatment, you should go to your gynecologist's office as soon as possible.

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Where do I get vaginal yeast infections?

Have you just had a yeast infection, recovered from the shock and don't want to be plagued by annoying itching attacks in the future? Then it's high time to avoid things that could encourage a new infection. But did you know that yeast is actually a natural inhabitant of the vaginal flora? If there is no infection, then yeast is only present in small quantities. With vaginal yeast, on the other hand, there is an overgrowth and nerve-racking symptoms such as excessive discharge and burning are not long in coming. If you want to avoid vaginal yeast in the future, there are a few rules of conduct that will help. Let's draw your attention to them now.

Toilet visit:

You have probably heard that people with vaginas should pay attention to their wiping technique after going to the toilet. The key word here is toilet hygiene. So after a bowel movement, always wash from your vagina to your anus. You should never wipe from your anus to your vagina, because then you allow nasty yeast fungi to find their way from the rectum into the vagina. Did you know that yeast fungi in most cases originate in the gastrointestinal tract? Likewise, incorrect toilet hygiene often causes a Cystitis If you want to give your intimate hygiene the finishing touches, then you should definitely get an intimate shower. With the practical spray bottle, you can gently clean your skin after urinating or defecating and also prevent infections.

Intimate hygiene: 

In addition to toilet hygiene, intimate hygiene also plays an important role in preventing vaginal yeast infections and other infections. Wonderfully scented soaps, creams and shower gels are out of place here. Our insider tip is that you simply wash your intimate area once a day with lukewarm water instead. After all, your vagina doesn't have to smell like melon and green apple. Would you like to find out more about suitable intimate hygiene with water? Then you can access all useful information here with just one click. 


There they are again, the culprits called hormones. Hormones can do a lot of damage to us and unfortunately also promote vaginal yeast infections. When the sex hormones Gesdays n and estrogen in the body increase, this can bring with it the downside called fungal proliferation. These hormones preferably increase in the second half of the menstrual cycle or even during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a vaginal yeast infection can even lead to complications such as miscarriage or premature birth. This is of course more than undesirable. So do not hesitate and contact your doctor immediately to ensure a smooth pregnancy. Since we are talking about the increase in hormones: You are certainly aware that the contraceptive pill contains hormones. This is why it triggers burning in the genital area in some menstruating women. Switching to a hormone-free method of contraception can help here. Here you can find alternatives to the pill. 

Immune system:

A weak immune system promotes the development of vaginal yeast infections. There are some diseases that are known to weaken the immune system. These include type 1 diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Speaking of HIV and AIDS: Have you ever wondered what the symptoms are, what the cure is and what protection you can get from sexually transmitted diseases? Then we have a reading tip for you. 


Are you currently struggling with a bladder infection and are taking antibiotics for it? While antibiotics promise to cure a bladder infection, they encourage the development of a fungal infection in other places. But why is that actually the case? The reason for this is that the antibiotic's function is to kill bacteria. But this does not only affect unwanted bacteria.It also fights against the “good” bacteria in the vagina, causing an imbalance in the environment and allowing fungi to start to multiply.


Have you had unprotected sex or been to a swimming pool? Then you may develop a fungal infection afterwards. Such an infection can actually be caused by an infection, so caution is advised in rooms where many people come together (e.g. changing rooms). In addition, a fungal infection can affect not only the vagina, but can also be passed on via an infected glans, for example, a penis fungus.


Fungi love to be surrounded by warmth and moisture. This ideal breeding ground is provided, for example, if your wardrobe consists mainly of synthetic clothing that also fits tightly to the body. Therefore, when choosing the right underwear, you should pay attention to Organic cotton to support the treatment. Cotton is a breathable material and organic quality does not contain any harmful substances. This is particularly important to us at Taynie, which is why we use organic cotton. 

Which panty liners for vaginal yeast infections?

Disposable panty liners for vaginal yeast infections? We're seeing red here! Panty liners have no place in underwear, not only for the prevention of vaginal yeast infections, but also for the healing process. Panty liners and other disposable products, such as sanitary pads, are often airtight and often contain fragrances. This is of course an absolute enemy for your vagina. Anyone hoping for more hygiene and a fresh scent may be disappointed and end up with a nasty vaginal yeast infection instead. If you are confronted with discharge in your everyday life and don't want to have wet panties anymore, then you should rather go for sustainable period panties Our everyday game changers, such as our Taynie Brazilian , are not only a real eye-catcher, but also a good alternative to standard panty liners. What is particularly convincing is that the model is made of organic cotton on the inside of the absorbent core and on the outside. This is very gentle on the skin. Especially if you are currently suffering from an infection, you can use our Taynies without worry at 60 degrees wash. This will safely kill the germs.

How do I get rid of vaginal yeast infection quickly?

As with diagnosing infections, your number one point of contact for treating vaginal yeast infections is your doctor. They will then tell you how to get rid of your vaginal yeast infection successfully and quickly. Treatment is important in any case to relieve the symptoms and prevent further complications. As we explained above, the consequences can be particularly devastating during pregnancy.

However, many people hope to achieve a quick improvement through various home remedies. However, these are often only Myths , which can even make the existing problem worse. Let's start with the classic of all fungal infection myths: the tampon soaked in yogurt. People often fall into the superstition that lactic acid bacteria in yogurt can help the vaginal flora.However, these are different bacteria than those that are naturally found in the vaginal flora. Yoghurt also contains many other ingredients that have absolutely no place in the vagina. Sugar and chemical ingredients are high on the list. And you know what? The whole thing is an invitation for the fungus to make things worse. But not only that, the mucous membrane is often affected, for example by becoming inflamed. The motto "Hands off" This also applies to the use of vaginal rinses with vinegar or the use of tea tree oil and garlic. All that is done is damage to the sensitive vaginal flora. 

Reading tips for you
