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Sex during your period

Dealing with sex and menstruation

Sex during your period?  This is a taboo subject for many people. Some see it as a hygiene problem, while others are generally afraid of dealing with blood.  Basically, from a medical point of view, there is nothing wrong with having sex during your period - in fact, it can even have a positive effect on your menstrual cramps. However, if you are considering having sex during your period, there are a few things you should keep in mind. You can find out what these are and what benefits period sex brings in today's blog post. 

Period: The way out of the taboo

Even though periods are something completely normal and natural, unfortunately they still remaindays remains a taboo subject in society. In recent decades, the media has made a lot of efforts to educate people and help to remove the taboo surrounding menstruation. However, the subject remains a source of shame for many people, or bleeding is even seen as something repulsive and impure. The best way to turn your back on the period taboo is to deal with it openly - and that doesn't just apply to people who menstruate. 

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Dealing with sex and menstruation

Given the taboo nature of periods, it is not surprising that sex during periods is also taboo in society. In general, however, the following applies to sex: Whatever you and your partner like is allowed. The most important thing is that everyone involved feels comfortable. The key word here is openness. It is important to be aware of your own needs and to have the confidence to communicate them. Neither menstruation nor sex during menstruation are reasons for shame. Questions or uncertainties should always be communicated openly to prevent discomfort and unease from arising in the first place. 

Reasons for period sex

We have already mentioned that period sex can have some advantages, especially from the perspective of menstruating women. Now you will find out what they are.

Relief for period pain

In case you didn't know: Around 3 out of 4 menstruating people experience discomfort during their period. Sex is seen as particularly helpful for menstrual cramps. Sex during your period is therefore not only a pleasurable experience, but often helps you relax and can help reduce unpleasant abdominal cramps. But why is that actually the case? The reason for the reduced cramps is mainly the endorphins that your body releases during sex. These have a blood circulation-stimulating and antispasmodic effect.

Increased desire for sex

During menstruation, hormone levels change dramatically. The sex hormones estrogen and testosterone rise rapidly, which is why many women feel particularly keen on sex during their period. During this time, the vulva and uterus also receive more blood, which can lead to a greater feeling of pleasure during intercourse. Some menstruating women also feel that period sex strengthens the bond with their partner even further.


For menstruating people, orgasm is often easier to achieve during sex during their period. This is also due to the increased blood flow in the entire uterine area. In addition, happiness hormones are released during orgasm, which improve mood and can relieve period pain. 

Sex during your period: Contraception

Especially during their period, menstruating women are at greater risk of contracting an infection. The intimate flora is more unstable during this time and the cervix is ​​slightly more open - this makes it easier for fungi and bacteria to settle on the mucous membranes and multiply there. Therefore, intimate hygiene should be particularly important during your period. This applies not only to the use of period products, but also during sex. In order to keep the number of bacteria as low as possible during intercourse and to prevent infection, a condom should be used when having sex during your period. Many people also think that it is impossible to get pregnant during your period - but this is not entirely true. After all, your fertile phase depends on various environmental and physical factors. Although the chances of conception during bleeding are very low, it is not impossible. This makes using a condom not only hygienic, but also practical. So don't forget to use a condom when having sex during your period. Do you already know the new brand DU&ICH from BILLY BOY? The condoms are very comfortable to wear, have a minimalist design and are climate neutral. They are available in the following varieties “Real feeling” , “Particularly wet” and “Lots of freedom” . The packs also include inspiration cards for couples, which you can use to make your lovemaking even more open and exciting. ;) 

Helpful tips for sex during your period

1.Remove menstrual product

One precaution you should definitely take before menstrual sex is to remove your tampon or menstrual cup.  These could slip inwards during sexual intercourse, making it impossible for you to remove the product yourself and causing additional pain.

2. Open communication

People deal with sex during their period in different ways. The rules of sex during your period are always determined by those involved. Open communication about needs, preferences and fears creates an open and understanding relationship with one another. 

3. Prevent blood stains

Maybe the thought of period sex makes you feel a little insecure.  First of all, you usually only lose up to 60 ml of blood during your period. This disproves the myth that "sex during your period ends in a huge bloodbath". Of course, things can still go wrong. If you are unsure or afraid of possible blood stains on fabrics or textiles, a towel to put underneath can help. This can help to relieve anxious thoughts and ensure more relaxation.

4. Shower together

Showering together before or after sex can also help you to feel completely safe and comfortable and to be able to fully enjoy sex. If you have period sex in the shower, you should be aware that the effectiveness of the condom could be affected. To reduce the risk of it slipping off, you should use a water-based lubricant. At BILLY BOY you will find various Water-based lubricants – also perfect for massage.🙂

You can find more exciting blog posts on the topic of sex and contraception athttps://www.billy-boy.de/sex-ed/ . BILLY BOY also offers a wide range of products that you shouldn't miss. 

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