Period underwear
Areas of application
Suction strength
So Fiber breakage is reduced and your clothing is sustainably protected.
Material: 100% polyamide (fully recyclable)
Made in Europe
Dimensions: L 50 x W 74 cm.
How to use the Guppyfriend wash bag
1. Synthetic textiles before machine washing
Store in the Guppyfriend wash bag.
2. Place the laundry in the sealed bag in the washing machine. Add other non-synthetic textiles and wash as usual.
3. Remove the garment from the Guppyfriend washing bag while it is still wet.
4. Remove the remaining fibers from the inside of the filter fabric by hand and dispose of them with the residual waste.
The Guppyfriend wash bag is the first step towards a holistic solution to the microfiber problem. Nothing more and nothing less. Our overconsumption must change radically. New materials, new manufacturing processes, cleaner washing machines and more effective sewage treatment plants must be developed.
Until then, the Guppyfriend wash bag a practical and effective way to reduce plastic pollution in rivers and seas and to raise awareness of the problem.
Eure Gesundheit steht für uns an erster Stelle. Daher produzieren wir unsere Produkte ohne gesundheitsschädliche Biozide oder zusätzlichen Chemikalien, die deiner hauteigenen Bakterienflora schaden oder zu einer allergischen Reaktion führen könnten.
Nachhaltigkeit umfasst auch das Wohlergehen der Tiere.
Wir haben uns bewusst dazu entschieden keine tierischen Bestandteile in unseren Produkten zu verarbeiten, sondern unsere Kollektion aus Bio-Baumwolle zu fertigen – Taynie Produkte sind zu 100% vegan.